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Wolves hunting deer in winter in Northern Minnesota

Voyageurs Wolf Project | February 4, 2025

Some pretty fascinating and rare footage of wolves hunting deer this past winter from 7 hunting sequences. Of course, wolves hunting deer is a regular occurrence in many areas but observing multiple hunting sequences is practically impossible given the dense forests and lack of visibility.

Trail cameras, however, have been fantastic ways to get little snippets of insight on these hunts. The drawback is: you only get snippets, and often have no idea what the outcome was.

We captured 7 different hunting sequences this winter and each one is a bit different ranging from wolves only seconds behind a large buck in December to wolves chasing a seemingly exhausted deer to wolves many minutes behind other deer.

In a few observations, it is possible that wolves were not “actively chasing/pursuing” deer but rather just scent-tracking deer in hopes of eventually getting close enough to launch a chase.

One interesting observations about all these hunts (and several others we have captured on camera): there generally appears to be one wolf leading the chase, often by several minutes, with others well behind.

And often, the pups are well behind (like in the first sequence where one pup is about 40 mins behind the pack), likely because they don’t have the stamina to keep up with the adults over long periods.

Lastly, numerous aerial observations of wolves hunting deer in Minnesota and other places has shown that most hunts are not successful. Wolves might chase and pursue deer for a period to test them and see if they are vulnerable.

In many cases, wolves give up the hunt, presumably because they realize they will not be able to catch the deer, or the effort needed to do so likely outweighs the benefits from the kill.

Learn more about the Voyageurs Wolf Project:

Written by Voyageurs Wolf Project


This post currently has 33 comments.

  1. @DwightStJohn-t7y

    February 4, 2025 at 3:37 am

    1;20 that a SMALL Whitetail for that area in Minnesota/Manitoba Lake-of-the Woods area. Homesteads have gone back to deer browse. in Homestead days you sold your calves for cash, and hunter for your family. Some whitetail bucks are the size of grain fed steer. !! Chasing with dogs is illegal in Ontario: all the lactic acid makes everything unpalatable.

  2. @kennethgoin628

    February 4, 2025 at 3:37 am

    This is the stuff more "huggers" should watch. Nature is harsh, demanding, and unforgiving. Watching that doe lay right in the water, gasping for air and drinking, but my hiking through the woods "traumatizes" deer? Give me a break!

  3. @bigwhisky6157

    February 4, 2025 at 3:37 am

    There are waaaay too many wolves in Minnesota. They Need to be managed like every other animal. Apex predators can not be left uncontrolled. The balance in northern Minnesota is completely out of wack. Despite what you think, this is a fact!

  4. @nightingaleofsorrow9349

    February 4, 2025 at 3:37 am

    Unfortunately when nature is out of balance this is what happens. Ask any deer hunter in Northern Minnesota or Northern Wisconsin how deer hunting was 10-15 years ago. The land can only handle so many wolves. Magnificent creatures but their population must be controlled. 🦌🐺🌲

  5. @PeaceToall462

    February 4, 2025 at 3:37 am

    That was cool.I heard a pack of wolves take down a deer. First I could hear ‘baaing’ then followed by howling. The next morning there was a murder of crows picking at the remains. This was in Ely. Unbelievable experience.

  6. @wildswan221

    February 4, 2025 at 3:37 am

    This is incredible footage!! The way the wolf drinks in the stream makes me wonder if I should give our dogs a larger water container, so they can put their muzzles in like the wolf did. Maybe I'll test out the stock tank for them.

  7. @pennsydude9723

    February 4, 2025 at 3:37 am

    That doe was running for her life. Both animals have 4 legs. Sooo, the endurance match will be who can last the longer in the pursuit. Will the doe out wit the wolves or will they give up on the pursuit. Nature at it's best.

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