Justine Teba on Heaven’s Gate and the cult of American settler colonialism

A clip from the latest episode of YOTED exploring Heaven’s Gate: The Cult of Cults (2020).
Watch the full episode by following the link at the end of the video
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February 3, 2025 at 4:09 am
Speaking of cults. I rent from a long time friend in Santa Fe. She is Navajo/Lakota. Her mom and auntie were "adopted" at birth by Mormons. The Mom searched for her Girls for 30 years and they reconnected when the Church sent one back to the Rez as a Missionary. The auntie wrote a small book "Finding Helen. A Navajo Miracle" by Rose Johnson Tsosie.
February 3, 2025 at 4:09 am
Yo I’m telling y’all get on the red book Chinese app. A lot Chinese people ere seeing native people for the first time on it and are relating hard through all of their indigenous minorities!!! I think this is a small opening to seize a chance at Native Sovereignty by trying grabbing onto that rope the U.S sent y’all way
February 3, 2025 at 4:09 am
Which podcasts/streamers etc alongside The Red Nation actually centre their existence on American Indian/Families Native Foundation. Not just lip service but actual living platforming? All these other American Leftist type groups just talk over Native Families about their own narratives. Do they need a Native Structure to learn how to do it? Or will they always chose their Colonial Privileges?
February 3, 2025 at 4:09 am
Heaven's Gate should be Tax Free. Go hard Colonialists, beam up to dem aliens kthxbye
February 3, 2025 at 4:09 am
"Jobby Jobs" 😆 yes they're all in the same cult & no there'll be no "personal" way out of it. I don't bother jumping through hoops, I refer to them as a*sholes 😉
February 3, 2025 at 4:09 am
I love this episode