Illusions of Time

Join our Curiosity Box!
1896 snowball fight:
Prospective and retrospective timing:
ISOLATION – Mind Field:
(every episode of Mind Field is free to watch on YouTube!)
speed of time as we age:
FELT TIME by Marc Wittmann:
“Age effects in perception of time”:
WaitButWhy article about The Lion King:
Barbara Walters for scale subreddit:
Barbara Walter world history image:
Examples of facts that challenge our chronological illusions:
My “Narrow Slice” video:
construal level theory:
Pipe Dream” –
Early smile image:
2:30am at a 7-11 near Disney World – 1987:
Great subreddit for candid video:
New York City in 1993 in HD – DTheater DVHS Demo Tape:
“Historical consciousness: the enigma of different paradigms”:
Zachary Sayre Schiffman’s THE BIRTH OF THE PAST:
History of twitter UI:
Effect of roads:
Talking With Attenborough Vsauce video:
archive footage from and shutterstock
MRI clips are of my brain as taken by the Stark lab featured in this Mind field episode:
–MUSIC (in order of first appearance)–
“glitch” audionetwork
“sweet revival” audionetwork
“passage of time” audionetwork
“desert witch” audionetwork
“facing south” audionetwork
“broadway dawn” audionetwork
“final breath” audionetwork
“tribeca” audionetwork
“carlin dream” Jake Chudnow
“martinique” audionetwork
“lazy daze” audionetwork
“imaginary sun w less voices” Jake Chudnow
“why so blue” audionetwork
“for leah” Jake Chudnow
“shona” Jake Chudnow
“moon men” Jake Chudnow
“crypt” audionetwork
“eclectica” audionetwork
“banjo ascension” audionetwork
“heat and dust” audionetwork
“twisted trip” audionetwork
‘cats in pot’ sweatshirt from
sweatshirt worn at the very end was designed by Martcellia Liunic
February 4, 2025 at 4:58 am
All thoughts of Time are the SAME butt different ~ Realistic Illusions representing 010.
February 4, 2025 at 4:58 am
26:06 thought u were about to say "signs of aids"
February 4, 2025 at 4:58 am
29:14 bro that's dystopian lol
February 4, 2025 at 4:58 am
io is one of jupiters most fascinating moons and is the most geologically active
body in the solar system. with a diameter of about three thousand six hundred f
ortythree kilometers, io is slightly larger than earths moon, and it orbits jupi
ter at a distance of around four hundred twentyone thousand seven hundred kilome
ters. io is one of the four galilean moons discovered by galileo galilei in sixt
een ten, alongside europa, ganymede, and callisto. io stands out because of its
extreme volcanic activity and vibrant surface.the surface of io is covered in ov
er four hundred active volcanoes, making it the most volcanically active object
in our solar system. these volcanoes, some of which spew sulfur and molten rock,
are driven by tidal heating caused by the gravitational pull of jupiter and the
other galilean moons. ios orbit is slightly elliptical, meaning its distance fr
om jupiter changes as it moves along its path. this orbital eccentricity causes
immense tidal forces that flex ios interior, generating heat and driving the vol
canic activity. this process is known as tidal of the most striking
features of ios surface is the presence of vast plains of sulfur and its yellow,
red, and white coloration. the volcanic eruptions spew sulfur dioxide gas, whic
h freezes on the surface, forming vast deposits of sulfur and its compounds. the
surface is dotted with lava lakes, volcanic pits, and mountains made of silicat
e rock. these eruptions constantly reshape the moons surface, creating a dynamic
and everchanging landscape. one of the most famous features on io is the massiv
e volcano loki patera, which is the largest volcano on the moon and one of the m
ost active.the atmosphere of io is extremely thin and is primarily composed of s
ulfur dioxide, a gas that is released by the volcanoes. because the atmosphere i
s so thin, it is unable to support life, and it is not breathable. the atmospher
e also contributes to the colorful appearance of io, as it interacts with the so
lar wind and the radiation from jupiters powerful magnetic field. the interactio
n of these particles can create auroras, which are visible near the poles of io.
ios geological features are also notable because of the moons lack of impact cra
ters. the constant volcanic activity resurfaces the moon, erasing evidence of im
pacts from space debris. this makes io one of the youngest bodies in the solar s
ystem, geologically speaking. the volcanic eruptions also result in the formatio
n of plumes that can reach heights of up to five hundred kilometers. these plume
s are made of sulfur dioxide, water vapor, and other conclusion, io
is an extraordinary moon with dynamic geological features and intense volcanic
activity. its unique characteristics, from its constant eruptions to its vibrant
surface colors, make it a subject of immense interest to scientists studying pl
anetary bodies and the forces that shape them. as one of the most active moons i
n the solar system, io continues to reveal the incredible processes at work in t
he vast reaches of space.
Find this in the library of babel for 25 dogecoin
with proof you naturaly found it
February 4, 2025 at 4:58 am
I kind of do this when watching My childhood movies, like the old teenage mutant Ninja turtle live action movies. Or the original karate kid. We're even seeing actors when they're younger.
February 4, 2025 at 4:58 am
The worst thing about this video is if you times it by time it's still the time you have time to times the time by time.
February 4, 2025 at 4:58 am
No way he grew that beard back in 4 months
February 4, 2025 at 4:58 am
I have absolutely no scene of time
Nor its passing
So.. I can be talking..
You can ask me
'How long do I think ive been talking for??!!'
And I can say..
'20 minute's!?'
and you can reply. .
'Erm no!! 8 HOURS'??!!!
I can sit down
( if I remember/ think to ) look at the time….
Say its 10:03am…
I can then look at the clock again and it's say.. 7:43PM ??!!! .. and it feels to me like I've been sat there for a mere 10 minutes…
Now… it wasnt until I was around 47
and became aware of the concept of TIME,
( I was only aware of day-time, night-time)
that I actually "started" to physically AGE in my looks .. aged 45 people would guess my age was 20 ??!!!..
But once i became aware of Time.. I've begun to rapidly age..
Im now 52.. and have gray hair…
Ive got a theory that..
the more intelligent a person is..
Their physical aging process starts at a younger age..
and the losing/ lose of hair is one of the major physically loses..
If any of the above that I've written makes scene??!!
If anyone has any other ideas or wants to talk to me…
I'm grand with that.
I also think becoming Awaire speeds up our ageing process
And can actually shorten how long we live for ??!!
So ?? I ask??!!
Is one of the secrets to a longer healthy life
"Ignorance is indeed bliss ???!!
February 4, 2025 at 4:58 am
Hey vsauce
February 4, 2025 at 4:58 am
Wow, I aged watching that but somehow came out of it feeling younger #
February 4, 2025 at 4:58 am
Where is the scary music
February 4, 2025 at 4:58 am
Is anyone now?
February 4, 2025 at 4:58 am
The production, the score, the direction😙👌
February 4, 2025 at 4:58 am
February 4, 2025 at 4:58 am
Best Youtuber
February 4, 2025 at 4:58 am
We will eventually evolve into electric current, imho.
February 4, 2025 at 4:58 am
watching this while time is happening
February 4, 2025 at 4:58 am
You should rename this video, although thoughtful and quite intelligent, “Pussy Repellent.”
February 4, 2025 at 4:58 am
This video literally changed the way I think in my everyday life…
February 4, 2025 at 4:58 am
probably the best 3:00 a.m. watch i’ve had
February 4, 2025 at 4:58 am
Why you make new video only on insta
February 4, 2025 at 4:58 am
Few cuppas a v sauce ☕
February 4, 2025 at 4:58 am
Vsauce helps me sleep
February 4, 2025 at 4:58 am
7:28 "woke up" IT'S NEW YEARS!
February 4, 2025 at 4:58 am
2:25 I guessed 5 minutes 32 seconds
February 4, 2025 at 4:58 am
February 4, 2025 at 4:58 am
So, to summarize. Time is a sonofabitch.
February 4, 2025 at 4:58 am
“stanning could give you your life back” is everything.
February 4, 2025 at 4:58 am
Why do I feel that this video ignores or at least downplays the fact that conservatives exist?
I mean, for someone who has done a whole video about Juvenoia, he doesn't seem to take into account the fact that some people consider the past relatable.
February 4, 2025 at 4:58 am
When I saw 4 years ago I thought OMG this video was 4 years ago?! The I realized 2021 was 4 YEARS AGO?!?!!?
February 4, 2025 at 4:58 am