Shannon O’Loughlin (Choctaw) Inspirational Commencement Speech
On May 14, 2022, Shannon O’Loughlin (Choctaw), CEO & Attorney for the Association on American Indian Affairs, delivered the commencement speech for the University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law to inspire community service and the graduates of the programs, including the Indigenous Peoples Law and Policy Program, […]

23rd RNCI ‘On the Road’ Red Nation Int’l Film Festival
23rd RNCI ‘On the Road’ Red Nation International Film Festival Powerful films. Cutting Edge Work. Important Gathering. Santa Fe to host an amazing diversity of talent–Hollywood insiders and New Mexico Independent Filmmakers. #RNIFFsantafe #WhyWeWearRED #NDNMEX

100-Year Anniversary
The Association on American Indian Affairs is grateful for your support and honored by your commitment to social justice and human rights. You can make a difference. Be a part of the next 100 years of service protecting Cultural Sovereignty. Donate today.

23rd RNCI Red Nation International Film Festival & Awards 2018
23rd RNCI Red Nation International Film Festival & Awards 2018 www.rednationff.com

Water, Land, & Indigenous Rights: Christopher Hall on Water League | Drum Circle News
Join Drum Circle News as we sit down with Christopher Hall, Executive Director of Water League, for an in-depth discussion on water rights, environmental policy, indigenous perspectives, and the fight against organized crime’s water theft in Southern Oregon. This 1 hour 47 minute interview covers: 🌊 The impact of unlicensed […]

8th Annual Repatriation Conference Announcement
The Association on American Indian Affairs is proud to announce registration is now open for the 8th Annual Repatriation Conference on October 11, 12, and 13, 2022. Hosted by the Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians’ Four Winds Resort Casino in New Buffalo, Michigan the conference theme is “ReACTivating Our Ancestral […]

Nov. 8th Opening Night Festival Premiere #RNIFFlosangeles
🗣️12 days of Cinematic Excellence! 🎥23rd RNCI Red Nation International Film Festival & Awards The Authentic Voice of American Indian & Indigenous Cinema 🗣️USC Nov 5-7. 🗣️Laemmle Music Hall Nov. 8-15. 🗣️West Hollywood Chamber of Commerce 🗣️Laemmle Ahrya Fine Arts Nov 16. 🎥https://www.rednationff.com [Film Screenings. Award Ceremony. Live Stage Reading. […]