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When The World Becomes Small

Ze Frank | February 3, 2025

Have a safe and happy new year 🙂
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Written by Ze Frank


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  1. @Raven_Leblanc

    February 3, 2025 at 4:35 am

    I lost my mom 4 months ago to cancer. Since then, everything's pointless kinda. I'm in uni and have a VERY hard time finishing my studies. I've been going for 8 years now just to finish my bachelors and masters. And I'll need another year. But I don't even feel motivated anymore.
    Before she died, she told me she wanted to at least see me get my masters degree and my sister's doctorate. But we both failed to get it before she died… Now nothing is really worth it doing.

  2. @tunnelghost42

    February 3, 2025 at 4:35 am

    About 2 years now my world was small so small I was not living gust surviving I coud no longer see whate i was going to do with my life. But it got better it was so hard and im still trying to work through what happend but i can see whte im going to do im living agine for the first time in years I AM LIVING.

    Thank you for this video when I sall this i was on my room after moving about a year ago i needed this so much back than and even now. I still comeback to this video when my anxiety is out of hand lol gust thank you.

  3. @Jennamatic

    February 3, 2025 at 4:35 am

    Somehow this video always pops up in my feed just when I'm feeling at my lowest. As much as it hurts, it's a good, bittersweet ache, like growing pains of the mind and soul. You remind me to slow down, take a breath, and just appreciate what I have. Small is hard when the world keeps telling you that you ought to want more. I don't think I'll ever understand when or why simplicity and joy stopped being the goal.

    I've said this before, but thank you for this reminder. I seem to need it, every time.

  4. @sockh8r_82

    February 3, 2025 at 4:35 am

    I know this was made a year ago, but I only just saw this. Was in a very very dark place the past 2 1/2 years struggling through an extremely toxic and abusive relationship, only recently was told by my doctor that it was a form of Stockholm. I was put through hell, and I agree, I did some unforgivably shitty things when I was still in said relationship as well, but nothing to the extent of what this person did. I have a history of being sexually abused, and in turn it has made me hypersexual. Long story short, because of this person, I was asexual for a bit. I was only 15 when this relationship started. It ended finally last year mid to early November. I believed for a couple months that it was my fault, I had to do extensive therapy, both group and individual, to even start the healing process, and I've been doing a bit better. But every so often, this person tries to weasel their way into my life again, and it stunts my progress of healing. 2 days ago, it happened again, and it felt like I was back in the relationship. 3 adults in my life who I put my trust in, for lack of better words, failed me. It's pretty much been downhill from there, borderline mental abuse from my dad, almost relapsing on self-harm, etc.. Even today was bad, but I took a nap earlier so my mind was reset. But just as all the negativity was coming back, this came up on my recommended. I didn't really think anything of it from the thumbnail, just thought it was another silly Ze Frank video, but I was honestly pleasantly surprised. I know it's not enough to pull me out of this spiral, I know it won't fix my issues and I know it wasn't targeted towards me, but it was a really good temporary escape from all the emotional torment. I honestly don't expect anyone to see this, or really even read all of this, I just put it here for myself. And to myself:
    You are enough.
    I know you don't think so now, I know everything feels wrong and like it won't get better. I can't promise you it will, either. I dont know that yet.
    But just know you are deserving of love, you are deserving of the care you give to others and other life forms. You deserve to be stable.
    You still may not think so now, but I'm sure when you read this again, you will.
    You do not and did not deserve the things you went and are going through. You deserve to be happy. And you're trying, and that's beautiful. Trying is a huge first step, and recognizing you need help is good, it means you want to change. It means you're done feeling like this. And that is truly, truly fantastic.
    Remember you have people who care about you, and that are willing to help a bit along the way. You may not always succeed in life, you may not get that job as a bug specialist or a marine biologist, or an animal sanctuary worker. You may be stuck working at Wendy's for a while, lol. But eventually, you will find a way to succeed. You'll find a way to get better. You just have to keep going. It won't be easy, it hasn't been easy. But you'll get there, I promise.
    I love you, man.
    I hope when you read this later on, you'll love me back.
    I hope you don't think I'm just some stupid kid who did this to himself.
    Because everyone is going through something.
    And eventually, life finds a way to change, evolve.
    You are enough.
    Remember that for me. ❤

  5. @WolfTheDog

    February 3, 2025 at 4:35 am

    My father recently lost his fight against aggressive lung cancer. The word was very small for us while he was fighting. It became so much smaller after he took his last breath

  6. @TheGamingScientist

    February 3, 2025 at 4:35 am

    In a pit of overwhelming stress and despair, where a single bad day made my entire future, my greatest dreams, go up in smoke just a day ago, I found this video, expecting your regular funny business. I instead found something that finally broke the dam, and I am sat here, wailing. But it is good. In my desperate fight against something inreasingly insurmountable, you, this video, makes me think it's okay to fall back, reorganise, and try again later. Something that seemed terrifyingly impossible just minutes ago. I don't know what my near, or far future holds. But this is okay. This is warm. This is comforting. I'll be okay, in the end. It will just take time.

    What I'm trying to say is thanks. While I'm nowhere near the other stories here, nor 'on-time', I was still moved, comforted, by this video. And let it be known True Facts has helped me smile in the most tense of times. Thank you, Ze Frank.

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