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The UNTOLD Truth of Einstein’s Universe | Full Documentary

Beeyond Ideas | February 4, 2025

Get 4 months extra on a 2 year plan here: Let’s unravel the relativistic theories of Einstein and the mind-bending possibilities of time travel. ♾️🔍

0:00 Can we break free from time’s linear flow?
0:38 Time isn’t the same for everyone and everywhere
6:00 Without time, we’re doomed to fade away
11:44 Biological time dilation is real
21:41 You’re just in the wrong timeline!
26:11 Time paradoxes simply can’t occur

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Special thanks to our beloved YouTube members this month: Poca Mine, Powlin Manuel, Gregory Stone, Lord, Saïd Kadi and Brad Clemmer 🚀🚀🚀

Experts featured in this video include Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Herman Minkowski, and Gregory Benford.

#TimeTravel #TimeDilation #Einstein

Written by Beeyond Ideas


This post currently has 47 comments.

  1. @garbagemanTricks

    February 4, 2025 at 5:02 am

    Of course you brought up one of my childhood favorite movies contact🥹
    That was the one of the first times that I could remember that we cannot truly comprehend. What’s out there. With the last scene of the movie when the tape recorded a long period of time, but in our time, it was only a few seconds.

  2. @darthmaul72

    February 4, 2025 at 5:02 am

    Orbit a black hole. Ur time slows down and a year for u would be centuries for everyone else. After a year break orbit. By than the technology for time travel will be available
    Than take ur trip to dinosaurs 😉

  3. @tonycero4709

    February 4, 2025 at 5:02 am

    Stop commenting you understand or making up dumbass time traveling idiotic shit .. What's most annoying you dumbasses don't see how dumb af you are .. And how stupid af your theories are in the messages .. He helped u understand quantum physics .. 😅😅😅😂😂😂😂😂.. If I asked any of you dumbasses just the actual definition of quantum physics that alone should help you understand how dumb you are when u couldn't.. but now from this video u understand quantum physics .. This a reason I don't like other humans.. All of u are delusional

  4. @shawns0762

    February 4, 2025 at 5:02 am

    General Relativity predicts dilation wherever there is an astronomical quantity of mass. Dilation explains dark matter/galaxy rotation curves. In the 1939 journal "Annals of Mathematics" Einstein wrote –
    "The essential result of this investigation is a clear understanding as to why the Schwarzchild singularities (Schwarzchild was the first to raise the issue of General Relativity predicting singularities) do not exist in physical reality. Although the theory given here treats only clusters (star) whose particles move along circular paths it does seem to be subject to reasonable doubt that more general cases will have analogous results. The Schwarzchild singularities do not appear for the reason that matter cannot be concentrated arbitrarily. And this is due to the fact that otherwise the constituting particles would reach the velocity of light."
    He was referring to the phenomenon of dilation. Mass that is dilated is smeared through spacetime relative to an outside observer. It's what our high school teachers were talking about when they said "mass becomes infinite at the speed of light". A graph illustrates its squared nature, dilation increases at an exponential rate the closer you get to the speed of light. A time dilation graph illustrates the same phenomenon, it's not just time that gets dilated.
    Dilation will occur wherever there is an astronomical quantity of mass because high mass means high momentum. This includes the centers of very high mass stars and the overwhelming majority of galaxy centers.
    The mass at the center of our own galaxy is dilated. This means that there is no valid XYZ coordinate we can attribute to it, you can't point your finger at something that is smeared through spacetime. In other words that mass is all around us, it's the "missing mass" needed to explain galaxy rotation curves.
    Dilation does not occur in galaxies with low mass centers because they do not have enough mass to achieve relativistic velocities. It has been confirmed in 6 very low mass galaxies including NGC 1052-DF2 and DF4 to have no dark matter. In other words they have normal rotation rates. All binary stars have normal rotation rates for the same reason.

  5. @anildhope1

    February 4, 2025 at 5:02 am

    I liked this post. I have generated an Idea. Very shortly a quick biological dilation theory will come to enhance the life expectancy of the rich, who can afford it. 5 yrs to 50 yrs ! Ha ha ha. Your article is too good to understand, I liked it the way you narrated and explained it. Thanks, keep on exploring ❤

  6. @dennisgalvin2521

    February 4, 2025 at 5:02 am

    All well and good if time was an actual structure of the universe but it isn't because if it was that would mean that thousands of years ago someone put a stick in the ground to track the days passage and inadvertently accessed some 4th dimension. Putting a stick in the ground does access Earth's Rotations, so the perceived passage of Time is merely the passage of the day and year being translated into the device's units of measurement.

    The experience of time going slower for the young and faster for the old is just a perception of the weeks and years flying or dragging for either old or young people because 1year for 2 year old is half his life but a mere fraction for the 80 year old.

    With regards to Time going slower in Stronger gravity fields it's just the clocks going slower. Clocks aren't in sync with time but Earth's Rotations and gravity and motion has an effect on the clock because these forces are responsible for the rotations and in effect are what the devices are in sync with.
    If a clock goes slower on a different planet it's only relative to that planet if you return to earth after say a 3 month round trip only 3 months will have passed on earth, the clocks reading is only relative to the environment it's in.

  7. @BvirtuallY

    February 4, 2025 at 5:02 am

    We see .005% of our energetic light universe. Guess what that light takes? Awareness. In fact, we LIVE IN A MIND UNIVERSE – It is a mental universe ONLY with love thought as source❤

  8. @EdwardMilech-md7vv

    February 4, 2025 at 5:02 am

    Well done
    Your step by step explanations are very helpful in making sense of what we exist in and how we understand the physical. Now let’s move on to our sixth sense. I mean the power we have in our minds. Our brain must be the key to exploring this universe and shaping it to our needs and guarantee an amazing future for humankind

  9. @preposterouspanda1710

    February 4, 2025 at 5:02 am

    Great video! This should have hundreds of thousands of views by now meanwhile <insert influencer/celebrity> videos are what the majority of people are viewing.

    Never before in history has so much information been at our fingertips and still so many people would rather watch useless 💩

  10. @Crema59

    February 4, 2025 at 5:02 am

    You’ve been through so many scientific phenomenal. so would you please do a video about who we are or why we are here or what we are exactly. I think you have some ideas about it.

  11. @dadsonworldwide3238

    February 4, 2025 at 5:02 am

    Hue =wavelength spectrum in human 16th century English was & is the singularity.
    When you want a dialectical vision of physicalized rule of time & distance you can make it an umbrella term but its not the real passing thermodynamical change in your frame of reference time.
    Its when you want a physicalized universe correlated witt idealized time when you fall into e=mc or physical mystification and idealistic magical forces of faith.
    The problem is in 1st position body of space/motion then when you add 3 planetary bodys you quickly learn your astronomical eyes are going against the grain of nature itself.
    Triangulated measure is both a blessing and a curse, a physical lawisms works and idealistic forces of faith, addition , subtraction it occurs 1st in universe then is "eco" plagerized, correlated ,prescribed back upon the world around us.
    But this mirrored and flipped all /F.O.R. "knowledge" is right before your eyes nose and ears but the orders of magnitude scaled epochs smaller "Thru" intellectual fluidlike dynamics "they're "are hidden from" their " intelligencia ..

  12. @barba9791

    February 4, 2025 at 5:02 am

    Critical Flicker Frequency, how fast a body can aknowlege light information , speed of movement and sound,
    " maybe the purpose in your life is longer than your consciousness lasts" Tom Chi, on Interconnectivness between galaxy to conscious planetary life formations. The interactive relatively of universal energy is measured within each organism's stage of being. "We are starlight, ws are one" Joni Mitchell. In order to perceive/see, hear, touch, smell, taste our dinosaur form, we would need to be physically living/conscious farther ahead of earth's trajectory, and look back at it. The light information would take time to reach , and so it would be old information? We would need to either travel to the future trajectory and look back , or communicate with a similar enough life that lives ahead of earth's trajectory. Our trajectory is toward our solar systems black hole atm. Conscious memory of polarized interactive universal energy… starts? , Is kept in DNA Sequence? , and goes???
    Polarized plasma fields make a loops back into itself, and space has its connections similarly to earth. Same interaction at different scales/ volume/size. The protective thermal barrier seems to offer earth It's unique temperature to develop our conscious energy formations, and this Temperature anomaly gives the feeling we function differently from universal function, but it appears to be the same polarized function from universal galactic to universal molecular. All is void, void is all/obsevational quantum shifting, Just keep Imagining it, and it will probably happen through stages of observation to its reality?
    It would probably take a lot of effort by the few, because most conscious beings are not interested in time travel, because somewhere in our heart/subconscious/soul we know and so move on. Besides like you mentioned you would be so far away physically you would not interact with the past. No easy $

  13. @chefmike4414

    February 4, 2025 at 5:02 am

    These videos are very well put together. It must take a lot of work. They are perfect, and you've done a great job. I really like the other videos where you pop up on an old tv screen. You should keep doing that, it kinda gives your mind a break from all the crazy theories and science. Plus, everyone can respect old technology and how far we've come since then.

  14. @DanDoesGame

    February 4, 2025 at 5:02 am

    If YOU traveled back in time using this method, ONLY YOU would travel back in time. Nothing done changes anything because nothing went with you….. If you have nothing with you, there's nothing to be changed 😂

  15. @ZhanMorli

    February 4, 2025 at 5:02 am

    Hello. The result is a «theory of everything» in a simple teaching device and a new tape measure for measuring the universe. Who will help create a working group involving students to work on new experiments? It is necessary to conduct direct experiments with direct proof of the constancy of the speed of light.
    For 119 years, by determining the constancy of speed of light, all experiments and Michelson-Morley experiments are indirect and incomplete. If the Michelson-Morley experiment was carried out on a bus or airplane and was used to determine speed. only then will this experience be direct. Therefore, Einstein does not rely on the Michelson-Morley experiment. Question. Do you have an example of such direct experience?
    New technologies, new research tools
    Let me suggest for schoolchildren and students on one's own to measure the Universe, dark energy, black holes, etc. To do this, I propose two practical devices. «laser tape measure +reference distance 1,000,000 m”» and «Michelson-Morley HYBRID Gyroscope». I am writing to you with a proposal for the joint invention of a HYBRID gyroscope from non-circular, TWO coils with a new type of optical fiber with a “hollow core photonic-substituted vacuum zone or (NANF)” where – the light travels 500000 (In a laser tape measure, the length of the optical fiber is fixed at 1000000 ) meters in each arm, while it does not exceed the parameters 94/94/94 cm, and the weight is 94 kg. Manufacturers of “Fiber Optic Gyroscopes” can produce HYBRID gyroscopes for educational and practical use in schools and higher education institutions.
    Einstein dreamed of measuring the speed of a train, an airplane – through the Michelson-Morley experiment of 1881/2024, and only then would the experiment be more than 70% complete. This can be done using a fiber optic HYBRID gyroscope. Based on the completion of more than 70% of Michelson's experiment, the following postulates can be proven:
    Light is an ordered vibration of gravitational quanta, and dominant gravitational fields adjust the speed of light in a vacuum. you can make scientific discoveries; in astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology, higher theoretical physics,… (We are not looking for ether, we will see the work of gravitational quanta)

  16. @jetsetter8541

    February 4, 2025 at 5:02 am

    Nice wishful thinking 👍👉 …I like to look into the future of advancement of medicine & overcome aging & death , cemeteries are overcrowded & Andromeda is waiting to get populated by uz …hoomanz 😂

  17. @jacobrosario9735

    February 4, 2025 at 5:02 am

    ITS FAKE ALL THIS IS BULL. If the world was a living thing and the lightning caused it pain or damage, The pain/damage would happen at the same time regardless of what the little man on the train thinks he sees.

  18. @williamwalker39

    February 4, 2025 at 5:02 am

    Relativity is wrong! When are scientists going to wake up and look at the experiments and theory that prove that the speed of light is not a constant speed as once thought, which has been verified by many independent researchers. The results clearly show that light propagates instantaneously when it is created by a source, and reduces to approximately the speed of light in the farfield, about one wavelength from the source, and never becomes equal to exactly c. This corresponds the phase speed, group speed, and information speed. Any theory assuming the speed of light is a constant, such as Special Relativity and General Relativity are wrong, and it has implications to Quantum theories as well. So this fact about the speed of light affects all of Modern Physics. Often it is stated that Relativity has been verified by so many experiments, how can it be wrong. Well no experiment can prove a theory, and can only provide evidence that a theory is correct. But one experiment can absolutely disprove a theory, and the new speed of light experiments proving the speed of light is not a constant is such a proof. So what does it mean? Well a derivation of Relativity using instantaneous nearfield light yields Galilean Relativity. This can easily seen by inserting c=infinity into the Lorentz Transform, yielding the Galilean Transform, where time is the same in all inertial frames. So a moving object observed with instantaneous nearfield light will yield no Relativistic effects, whereas by changing the frequency of the light such that farfield light is used will observe Relativistic effects. But since time and space are real and independent of the frequency of light used to measure its effects, then one must conclude the effects of Relativity are just an optical illusion.

    Since General Relativity is based on Special Relativity, then it has the same problem. A better theory of Gravity is Gravitoelectromagnetism which assumes gravity can be mathematically described by 4 Maxwell equations, similar to to those of electromagnetic theory. It is well known that General Relativity reduces to Gravitoelectromagnetism for weak fields, which is all that we observe. Using this theory, analysis of an oscillating mass yields a wave equation set equal to a source term. Analysis of this equation shows that the phase speed, group speed, and information speed are instantaneous in the nearfield and reduce to the speed of light in the farfield. This theory then accounts for all the observed gravitational effects including instantaneous nearfield and the speed of light farfield. The main difference is that this theory is a field theory, and not a geometrical theory like General Relativity. Because it is a field theory, Gravity can be then be quantized as the Graviton.

    Lastly it should be mentioned that this research shows that the Pilot Wave interpretation of Quantum Mechanics can no longer be criticized for requiring instantaneous interaction of the pilot wave, thereby violating Relativity. It should also be noted that nearfield electromagnetic fields can be explained by quantum mechanics using the Pilot Wave interpretation of quantum mechanics and the Heisenberg uncertainty principle (HUP), where Δx and Δp are interpreted as averages, and not the uncertainty in the values as in other interpretations of quantum mechanics. So in HUP: Δx Δp = h, where Δp=mΔv, and m is an effective mass due to momentum, thus HUP becomes: Δx Δv = h/m. In the nearfield where the field is created, Δx=0, therefore Δv=infinity. In the farfield, HUP: Δx Δp = h, where p = h/λ. HUP then becomes: Δx h/λ = h, or Δx=λ. Also in the farfield HUP becomes: λmΔv=h, thus Δv=h/(mλ). Since p=h/λ, then Δv=p/m. Also since p=mc, then Δv=c. So in summary, in the nearfield Δv=infinity, and in the farfield Δv=c, where Δv is the average velocity of the photon according to Pilot Wave theory. Consequently the Pilot wave interpretation should become the preferred interpretation of Quantum Mechanics. It should also be noted that this argument can be applied to all fields, including the graviton. Hence all fields should exhibit instantaneous nearfield and speed c farfield behavior, and this can explain the non-local effects observed in quantum entangled particles.

    *YouTube presentation of above arguments:

    *More extensive paper for the above arguments: William D. Walker and Dag Stranneby, A New Interpretation of Relativity, 2023:

    *Electromagnetic pulse experiment paper:

    Dr. William Walker – PhD in physics from ETH Zurich, 1997

  19. @rahmanauf4345

    February 4, 2025 at 5:02 am

    That is why photon particles do not decay. This visible photon travels across the universe in billions of years due to time dilation. This is because it travels at the speed of light.

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