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The Horrible Origins of Santa

Big Tugg | February 4, 2025

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Written by Big Tugg


This post currently has 45 comments.

  1. @Shovi_

    February 4, 2025 at 3:28 am

    Can americans stfu already about people outside their country putting black paint on their face? We don't care you mostly had only black slaves, here in the rest of the world every skin color was enslaved throughout history. If some want to have fun by putting paint on their face then they are free to do so. Calm down already.

  2. @Keeby.

    February 4, 2025 at 3:28 am

    i realized santa and the tooth fairy and all that shit wasnt real when i was like 9, i kinda just thought about it and said "yea thats stupid" then pretended to believe in it for a few more years

    i also stopped being religious at the same time i stopped believing in santa, do with that information what you will

  3. @isaacwest9069

    February 4, 2025 at 3:28 am

    My parents never told us Santa was real, and to that I thank them. Not like I would’ve believed in a dude who could live for hundreds of years anyways. Always seemed far fetched to me even as a child

  4. @kateb1127

    February 4, 2025 at 3:28 am

    Fun fact, in Poland children don't get coal if they are naughty- they get a rózga (a bunch of sticks) which used to be a device for whipping children for misbehaving. I am only now realising how messed up that is, when I was a kid I never really questioned that, wtf why are we giving that to kids-

  5. @SmolHeliolisk

    February 4, 2025 at 3:28 am

    When I was around 4, I went to my mum hysterically crying and freaking out because "We dont have a chimney! What if he lets the cats out? What if he steals something?"
    I was SO SCARED at the thought of someone breaking in that she had to tell me that Santa wasn't real, and I apparently gave a huge sigh and said "Oh thank goodness!"

  6. @hafplace1346

    February 4, 2025 at 3:28 am

    talking about the origins of christmas without including "a christmas carol" is wild

    especially by talking about the negative links of it can literally link him to being the grim reaper

  7. @jordancorrell7198

    February 4, 2025 at 3:28 am

    11:25 I was like 10. It was Christmas Eve or the day before and I was upset because some kids said he wasn’t real. My sister was telling me some people don’t believe and we were going back and fourth. My dad sick of it walked in the room and goes Santa’s not real the end and walks out. Y’all I sobbed..bright side my mom let me open a few gifts that night 😂

  8. @vixxcelacea2778

    February 4, 2025 at 3:28 am

    Honesty, the legend of Jesus itself is also a thing. When I was Christian, it felt a lot like Santa all over again. One made me sad, the other made me mad. You can guess which to which one.

    Christmas also existed way before it. And in the bible with the timeline, Jesus's if he existed would have had his birthday in March. Christmas was co-opted to hijack and destroy pagan religion. They clearly succeeded.

    Black Pete also has mixed versions. There are some that are racist stereotypes and others that depict that the character was dark looking due to being covered in soot. The more modern version today has the actors/cosplayers covered in "soot" on their faces to try to dissuade the racist nature that's sometimes found in the character. I don't know enough about it to say if the tradition should be thrown out or not. That's for the Dutch to decide if ultimately it's a twisted fond memory that has mixed origins that should be let go, or if it can be changed enough to acknowledge the problems it have and become a force for good.

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