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could we ever eat dinosaur?

the poopie show | February 4, 2025

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scientists have eaten a bunch of weird animals that we’ve never even seen, in fact, some of them have not been seen for thousands of years!

in this video we investigate possible ways to bring extinct animals back to life. whether it be bakwards evolution, cloning or lab grown meat cultures, I want to know.. will i ever be able to eat my favorite dinosaur?

Written by the poopie show


This post currently has 31 comments.

  1. @ackshually404

    February 4, 2025 at 3:29 am

    The dodos didnt go extinct from people eating them. They went extinct because people would get bored and go around bonking them on the head with sticks as entertainment. Historical records show that people thought they tasted awful

  2. @RanEdgar-ok3wk

    February 4, 2025 at 3:29 am

    The dodo died out from the animals humans introduced into there habitat as dodos were not that tasty and only eaten when on the island or taken back., so our animals ate them:((( i hope we can bring them back

  3. @VicusUtrecht

    February 4, 2025 at 3:29 am

    Humans can eat anything.

    Our stomach acid is equivalent to corpse scavengers.

    Myself? I've eaten the usual meats, but also rattlesnake, alligator, chicken hearts. If it moved and not a plant, I'll eat it.

    Terran uber alles🎉🎉

  4. @Saurophaganax1931

    February 4, 2025 at 3:29 am

    Famous 18th century palaeontologist William Buckland once had a friend who purchased the mummified heart of King Louis XIV at an auction and when said friend showed him the heart, he allegedly lunged at his friend, wrestled the heart from his grip, and gobbled it down before anyone could stop him.

  5. @matterhorn731

    February 4, 2025 at 3:29 am

    7:51 So the Mary Schweitzer T-Rex proteins are actually real. There had been speculation that it might've been a contaminant at one point (a reasonable hypothesis given their age), but further research has confirmed their veracity and their similarity to bird proteins (which makes sense because birds are dinosaurs, and even specifically theropods like T-Rex).

  6. @3_14pie

    February 4, 2025 at 3:29 am

    who could eat more weird shit than the science hippies?

    "a geolo-"


  7. @BBB_bbb_BBB

    February 4, 2025 at 3:29 am

    I was the kid who ate random bugs because I was just obsessed with trying everything once. I also got a nasty cut once that tore a big strip off the sole of my foot and I ate that piece raw before even considering getting medical help. The more random animals I can try eating, extinct or otherwise, the happier I'll be. But please, more lab grown human.

  8. @megan00b8

    February 4, 2025 at 3:29 am

    This is like a Baki subplot narrator rant. Also yes, if they let me anywhere near the mammoth meatball I'm eating it like that guy from that one meme without a single bit of hesitation. Allergens shmallergens, worst case scenario I start choking on my drastically swollen airways, that's why we've invented intubation.

  9. @richardhinshaw2116

    February 4, 2025 at 3:29 am

    Life Long carnivore here. To a great extent, 'you are what you eat', and this will reflect on the taste buds of whatever is eating you. The origin of the adjective, 'gamey' is ''game'; wild-caught rather than domesticated food, and it is often an acquired taste. Wild duck tastes like fish. Since I grew up with it, I actually both like and prefer it. Some tastes are probably(hopefully)not aquireable: a brown bear that has been supplementing it's diet with whatever it can glean from a garbage dump will taste like a garbage dump(and it will take weeks for that flavor to leave your mouth). Finally, mudhens, especially the ones that inhabit those estuaries composed of that particularly black, viscous estuary mud…are aptly named. Do not eat. In the meantime, to quote Leeloo Mina Lekatariba Lamina-Tchai Ekbat De Sabat, "Chicken good".

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